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Early Childhood Developmental Preschool:
School District Six Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) services are designed for young children (aged 3-5) with disabilities who need specially designed instruction or related services and whose disability(ies) causes the children to be unable to participate in developmentally appropriate typical preschool activities. Early childhood teachers/ specialists may work with children in the classroom or may pull one or more children out of the classroom to work on the goals for that child. The teacher and therapists work together with the family to plan how to best support each child.

Special Education Support Services:
School District Six Special Education provides services within a Resource and Inclusion Model. Students who are identified under IDEA may have services within a Resource Room setting or Classroom setting, taking into consideration the team's decision of the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) to best support the child's individual learning. Resource Rooms offer a balance of child-centered in-class and out-of-class (pull-out) services and support for special education students in grades K-12. Resource rooms provide support individually and in small groups. 

RISE (Ruder) and Life skills Programs:
School District Six Special Education provide services within a Life skills Program. The ‘Life Skills’ Program is a specialized placement for students with significant intellectual disabilities who need opportunities to develop functional academic skills; along with, skills that they will need in everyday life such as: self-care, vocational, functional reading and math, money management, self-advocacy, independence, and others. The students who require a Life skills Program range from a range of disabilities.  

Placement into the ‘Life Skills’ Program is an IEP team decision and is based on specific student needs and discussion regarding the placement that can meet those needs most appropriately. Placement in the ‘Life Skills’ Program is a decision that is considered yearly by the IEP team. The decision is made after a thorough review of the IEP components which may include present levels of performance, goals/objectives, accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, state and district assessments, behavior intervention plans, teacher and parental input, and results from any previous evaluations.

Speech Language Services:
School District 6 Special Education provides services within speech and language services. The SLP may go into a student’s classroom and work with his or her teacher. Services may be alone or in a small group. The SLP will work with a student on what he/she is learning in class. The goal of speech and language services is to help the student do well in school. The SLP will work as part of a team that makes sure that the student gets the services they need.

Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Services:
School District 6 Special Education provide services within Physical therapy or occupational therapy  services. Physical therapy or occupational therapy services will be provided by the school district as a related service only when the child’s special education program requires it. The presence of medical conditions, injuries and disabilities does not automatically dictate the need for physical therapy or occupational therapy services in the school system. Some students with disabilities may be in regular education programs without the need for any special modifications to the regular education curriculum and are not considered in need of special education services. Likewise, many students who receive special education services may not need occupational therapy or physical therapy as a related service in order to benefit from their educational program.