Substitute Employment Information
Substitutes wanted!
Our substitute staff provides an invaluable service to our schools, and are deeply appreciated. By working together, we can provide the best education possible for our students.
Are you interested? Apply now!
Substitute teachers and paraeducators are able to view our open substitute positions using our online substitute management system - Frontline Education (formerly AESOP). Please note that you must be an active substitute and have a Frontline account to access this site. Click here to access site.
Substitute bus drivers, hot lunch helpers, and custodians are called by the department supervisor.
If you are interested in applying for a substitute position, in any capacity (teacher, para, custodian, hot lunch, bus driver), please complete an application using our online jobs portal.
Substitute Training Materials
New Substitute Teacher Training
I'm a Sub, what now?
We are offering on-line substitute training through MT OPI. The link below lists a number of courses, but only one is needed for substitute teachers. Please follow the attached instructions to guide you through how to create a login.
Substitute Teacher and Paraeducator Responsibilities