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Mark McCord

Mark McCord

Curriculum Director
District Office

Columbia Falls School District Six curricula are a standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills.  Specific content standards are provided by the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI).  The link below provides access to these specific standards for K-12.  Instructional resources that are aligned with the standards are teacher selected and Board approved.

Montana K-12 Content Standards:

If you have any questions regarding SD6 Curricula, please contact Mark McCord, Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Phone: (406) 892-6550 ext. 1429

Gifted and Talented:

Columbia Falls School District Six provides instruction to challenge academically gifted students.  Students are identified to qualify for services through CogAT testing and teacher-parent recommendation.  Each campus has a Gifted and Talented (GT) Coordinator to support student identification, program implementation, and staff development. 

Montana GT Information:

Campus specific information about the SD6 GT Program can be found at the link below:

GT Program Information


The Columbia Falls School District Six English as a Second Language (ESL) program is designed to ensure that English learning students become proficient in English and attain state standards through creating high level language instructional programs, professional development and parent outreach. Initial placement into the program is established through the WIDA assessment.  Phone: (406) 892-6550 ext. 1429

Montana ESL Information:

If you have any questions regarding the SD6 ESL Program, please contact Mark McCord, Director of Curriculum and Instruction.


Article X of the Montana Constitution guarantees an equitable education for all students. Montana was the first state that constitutionally obligates educational systems to include American Indians in their educational goals. The definition of a quality education approved by the Montana legislature determined that integration of content providing information about Montana American Indians was vital to a quality education. Indian Education for All (IEFA) is the law. Columbia Falls School District Six supports IEFA through the integration of standards throughout the curriculum. 

Montana IEFA Information:

If you have any questions regarding IEFA in SD6, please contact Mark McCord, Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Phone: (406) 892-6550 ext. 1429